Become a Modern Day Motherhood Magic Consultant
In this modern day manic world full of stress, Mums-to-be need something better - they need a little magic!
When you become a Consultant, you can work the hours you choose, earn an average of £65 per hour* and at the same time be making a difference to the wellbeing of mums and their babies!
You will be able to arrange workshops, classes and 1:1 consultations and build your own future too.
Healing Acquired And Retained Trauma
Did you know, that as well as inheriting things such as eye colour and hair colour, your baby can also inherit 'trauma'.
You may have noticed that you have recurring negative patterns of behaviour or thoughts, you struggle to let things go or move forward with the life you really want.
Well an important part of our Modern Day Motherhood Magic is helping you review inherited and karmic DNA and release what no longer serves you and restore your thoughts and behaviour patterns to positive, beneficial ones!

Memberships Currently Available
Babyopathy Mamas
4£Every weekJoin now for a Modern Day Motherhood Magical JourneyÂ- Be part of my exclusive community
- Exclusive online DETAILED weekly 'magical' pregnancy guide
- A FREE copy of my Book - Relaxed Mum, Contents Baby
- 10% discount on all courses, toolkits & consultations
Consultants - MDMM
49£Every monthFor those Very Important PregnanciesÂ- Join my exclusive online community